Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year!

The 2012 Lunar year is the Year of the Dragon. In Chinese astrology, the Dragon is a symbol of royalty, strength, and excellence. The Dragon is held as “kingly” because it was composed of the best parts of the tiger, the fish, the snake and the eagle. There is a vitality and positive energy rising with this Dragon that will be available to you. So this year, let’s take the best parts of life and expand on them.
2012 actually ushers in the Water Dragon, which is great because some of the outlandish characteristics of the Dragon (unpredictability, intensity, potentially poor decisions) are tempered by the spirit of Water: wisdom and a deep calmness.
So this is the year to take risks…after careful consideration. This is the year to exert your power…gently. Many aspects of life have the opportunity to come together more harmoniously this year. What changes will you implement?