Monday, October 8, 2012


Now that cool Fall weather is upon us, it is time to indulge is some treats that are in season and have health benefits.

1. Hot apple cider
Ideally from a local orchard (we have great access to local orchards here in Maryland), perhaps spiced with cinnamon, maybe sweetened with a little maple syrup. The local apples are a seasonal fruit, a perfect food for you body in the fall, and the cinnamon will help warm you as we enter the colder weather. Maple syrup is a wonderful natural sweetener that helps build qi in the body (use in moderation).  And an apple a day...may lower cholesterol and increase cardiovascular health.

2. Brussel Sprouts
Brussel Sprouts are delicious prepared with some soy sauce (regular, gluten- free and/or reduced sodium): cut them in half and toss them in a bowl with some olive oil and soy sauce, then bake in a 375 degree oven (in a baking dish or flat pan) until they smell aromatic (30-45 minutes). Cooking time varies depending on the size of the sprouts and how firm you prefer them.

3. Cauliflower
Cauliflower is scrumptious when mashed: steam the cauliflower until soft, then mash as you would potatoes, either with a mixer or by hand. You can add whatever seasoning you like. Be aware that cauliflower is more moist than potatoes, so you will likely not need to add much, if any, liquid. Try a spiced up version by adding some red pepper flakes and spicy mustard!

Bonus: In addition to eating in season, there are great health benefits to both Brussel Sprouts and Cauliflower: they both support your body's (1) detox system, (2) antioxidant system, and (3) its inflammatory-response system. These are key to keeping your body in balance and maintaining wellness. So eat up! 

Friday, October 5, 2012


St. Basil the Great says “…the garment hanging in your wardrobe is the garment of the one who is naked; the shoes you do not wear are the shoes of the one who is barefoot…”

Now is the perfect time to pull out those items of your wardrobe that are not of use to you. A great item to donate this time of the year is winter coats that you know you won't be using as they will be available just before cold weather hits. 
Take an inventory. Are there items that you are not using and could be used by your fellow human beings?
Bonus: getting rid of physical clutter frees up mental and emotional space in you. You may be surprised at how different life feels by simply letting go of some physical items you were holding onto.