Meal timing is very important to make sure you keep your metabolism active. You should be eating every 3-4 hours. This can be tricky at times when life is busy. Be sure to plan ahead in a way that works for you! This might be specific meal planning and snacks every day, or it might be just having a couple healthy quick-grab-snacks stashed away in your car or bag.
A couple snacks we endorse:
- Organic cottage cheese and a banana (don’t leave this one in your bag too long!).
- Rice cake with peanut or almond butter.
- Hard-boiled egg with some carrots on the side (try dipping the egg in mustard…it’s delicious!).
- A serving of nuts with dried fruit mixed in.
For those times when you are really pressed for time there are some inexpensive tricks you can put into place:
- Hard-boil eggs in batches and keep them ready in the fridge to grab.
- Make your own packets of peanut butter in tiny Tupperware-type containers (this allows peanut butter to be portable AND controls portion size).
- Mix your own servings of nuts and dried fruit. It will keep for months in a closed container.
Another day we will discuss pre-made bars (protein, granola, etc.) and how to choose a good one for you! Happy eating all.